So I’m guessing any swords collected after that are just for points…unless there’s some other award you get I’m not aware of
So how did I once see 24x on all the shots? I’m no Bowen at math, but it seems like 6x times 4x would be the only way to get that?
Was that on Tyrell? Maybe the inlane multiplier?
Don’t remember the house.
Most likely…HOTK the inlanes are always lit
except when they are flashing with the light show and you have no idea which one is actually lit >:frowning:
Although that didn’t stop a 17BIL score? Niiiiiice!
I’m not exactly sure how the scoring in Wall is supposed to work but it needs work lol. I didn’t even get to the hand of the king that game.
yeah I got 2.4B on a single shot in Wall so it’s def unbalanced
Yes, I saw this as well yesterday. X was at “5x” and PF multiplier at 4x. Lit inlane to left orbit said “Mixed 24x”. So I am guessing despite what the display says the lit lane does boost it by 1 to 6x
WHAT is this I don’t even
Encountered some sort of bug. Was playing through the modes as greyjoy and finished all of the modes except Targaryan. Went through it three times and eventually when the final dragon had about one inch of DMD life bar left, no more shots were lit and the hurry up just froze at 1 million without timing out. I had a few extra balls so eventually trying to make ANY progress I would drain and then start the mode again the next ball with the same result.
Has anyone encountered this? You can finish targaryan as greyjoy because I’ve done it before, just in this instance where it was the last mode to complete before iron throne it was bogus.
Yes, several people have reported Targaryen getting stuck on the last dragon. I don’t think it’s related to it being the last mode. This game came out with a lot of features in place but it sure seems buggy.
Maybe this new 1.17 code release fixes some of that? I am interested to see how the Blackwater increase and Wall decreases affect scoring. My Baratheon SLP all day is not gonna work any more i think
Should have done Grayjoy and sacked Baratheon, Tyrell and Martel so you have not only increased wall jackpots but increased SJP multipliers and add-a-ball as well
ha, easy for you to say
when I’ve tried I can barely get more than one house beat when I play as Greyjoy
Did anyone ever figure out the path that causes this bug?
I’ve encountered it 3 times in a row now when playing as Greyjoy.
My other trips to Iron Throne (so obviously, no issue with beating Targaryen 3) were not when playing as Greyjoy.
HOW are people getting billion wall supers? I went through the effort of beating baratheon and tyrell and Martel as greyjoy, played wall… Kept just getting “MIXED 12x super jackpot 30 million!”
Play as Greyjoy. Then repeat steps above.