Thanks for all the hard work Greg. Your attention to detail is much appreciated.
This pleases me. I was seriously considering a lock two balls, timeout Greyjoy twice, start Lannister, Greyjoy and multiball strategy. Normal play sounds much better.
Or Supergame on JD
Back to the original point. I see no problem with any game being set however the TD decides. It is the same for each player, so no issues there. If people complain that they would normally choose Martell, or play the game a specific way which the new set-up removes, tell them tough. Itâs meant to be a game of pinball - not who knows the rules the best.
Just take a tilt warning to skip house selection.
It wouldnât discourage me completely from playing in a tourney, but I absolutely want all of Dwightâs rules available to me if I play a game programmed by him. Itâs casual mode. We arenât casuals.
We played one in league on location that did this. The game wasnât DQed because it was consistent, but nobody celebrated when it happened.