I’m thinking about adding some EMs to my collection & I’m wondering whether add a ball machines can be used for tourneys? There’s an add a ball version of Lucky Strike up for sale here in Aus (Williams 1965) and it’s a machine I like a lot. Can the extra balls be turned off on these machines?
I have used add-a-ball games in tournaments and I think they can be really fun, as long as they aren’t setup too easy. I’d say go for it.
@echa uses a Melody for most of her tournaments at the location where the game is at. It has mini flippers so games are short even if you gets many added balls. I agree that Greg that if the games are not setup easy these games are fun and add something different
And if you decide to go with add-a-ball (I think you should!) make sure players are aware that they are able to play extra balls on it, in case they’re used to plunging their EBs.
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Thanks, I’ll be taking the plunge thanks to your comments.
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