Delaware 24 Hour Battle Tournament - Help!

First State Flippers has plans to run a 24 hour battle in Delaware in 2019. Since this will be a first, I’m asking and looking for feedback and recommendations from the players as well as the organizers on things that are a must do, and things to avoid and be aware of.

On a side note, Delaware has no public pinball, so this will be held in private homes. Thanks to @coreyhulse, one early idea being tossed around is a 24 hour tour of Delaware that would have us visit all 3 houses we currently use for tournaments. The plan is to have everyone initially meet at the house we plan to end the night at. Then I plan on renting a bus that will transport all the players to the first house. Once there we will play 7 hours of pinball. Hop on the bus and take a 30 minute bus ride to the next house. Play for 7 more hours and then hop on the bus for a 45 minute drive to the last stop (where everyone initially met), and play our final 7 hours of pinball.

Thoughts? Advice? Dos and don’ts?


If there are eye masks and fancy sandwiches on the bus, then that sounds good.

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Still looking for feedback. I’m hoping to have a date finalized over the next few weeks and the more info I know now the better. Thanks!

I’ll just add in that I’d be more interested in a 2 day tournament of 12 hours each than 24 hours straight :man_shrugging:

When is someone gonna man up and throw a 32-hour tournament?

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@mizary wants to do a 48 hour event that consists of 3 strikes tournaments every two hours. Play in as many as you can. Get knocked out, play in the next available one.

Sorry for the derail.

I like the idea of the transportation. I think you do a fantastic job of prepping for your events so I’m sure this will go smoothly. Good luck to ya.


How many people would you think about including? I am not sure private residence washrooms can handle the demands of a 24h tournament. Maybe defiling 3 residences will make it work.

Not sure. All of our tournaments average 46 people for about 10 hours with no issues yet. Good point, as this never crossed my mind as a potential issue. Ideally, if the interest level is there, which I think it will be, I want at least 50 people.

Then I would make sure these houses can accommodate 50 people playing pinball at once, comfortably, for 7 hours.

I know having 40 at my house during the summer can get a little warm as my AC can’t keep up.

They can handle it, as we have handled it for all of our tournaments this year. All houses are 3000+ sq ft, multi family homes. However, the heat can’t be controlled. Now matter how hard we prepare in advance, once 50 people plus 20 pins get mixed together, it definitely gets hot. It comes with the territory.