This reminds me of a fun deep cut we discovered during the INDISC women’s finals. On Hoops, the machine was set to always start a multiball after 1 ball was locked. You’d think that locking the ball would start the multiball, but all that does is lock the ball and kick a second ball into the plunger lane. That second ball triggering a switch is what starts multiball. A player soft plunged and didn’t hit any switches with her second ball, and when she drained it, the machine ended her ball, counted her bonus, and kicked out the locked ball before the next player.
What’s up with the “Bash Balrog”-mode? There’s no secret in there with a lot of hidden points, or so? I guess I tried it a couple of times when it was new but since then I’ve always ignored it.
I think I did this the other night and the ramp went back up while the mode was running.
I would guess that play-testing showed that it was relatively difficult for casual players to start FOTR multiball, so people weren’t seeing the game’s primary toy… an easier-to-achieve Bash Balrog mode would allow players to get the enjoyment of seeing the big guy reveal himself and getting to whack him a bit.
Of course, Keefer may have a different explanation.
You can do this on a lot of Data East games, actually. Try doing it with the ramp switch on Star Wars, sometime.
It makes sense. But the points for bashing the big guy could have been a bit more. Making i worth bashing that nasty bastard sometime(s). Ever. I can’t be worth it, ever now?
Possibly if you’re ~800.000 (can’t remember the exact points) behind on your last ball in a tournament match and know for sure that one little bash (right in the face! - diffucult to do though) is all you need to win the match?
It wasn’t happening enough FOR GARY. It was pretty much right on-pace for what I targeted (~33%) but Gary demanded to see the Balrog more often, so I came up with the stupid Bash Balrog rule (and, incidentally, GaryRog).
On Spider-Man, if you start Bonesaw via the left orbit, any spinner spins don’t count towards completing the mode when the opening animation plays. Skip it with the flippers, and you can get some switch hits right off the bat.
I’m not sure if the opening animation prevents other switches from counting as Bonesaw hits.
If you tilt in firepower, it resets your center target progress.
And lit spinner, and top lanes, and anything else it would have remembered. This is true for all Williams games of this era (Alien Poker, Black Knight, Blackout, Gorgar, Scorpion, etc.)
Not tilt ends game; more like…tilt ends any notion that you are playing a machine with ball-to-ball memory.
For Joker Poker with Pascal board, if you’ve earned an EB and then tilt, you lose your earned EB.
Uuh been burnt by that too many times. Wonder if its an unintended sideeffect of code, or if it is meant to be like that.
Since it affects so many games, I would think intentional but who knows. Could just be a bug in the base code that was in all those games.
The similar sopranos tilt progress reset is definitely a bug. Dwight confirmed. He also confirmed he isn’t going back and fixing it. Haha. It was honestly one of the reasons I sold the game.

If you tilt in firepower, it resets your center target progress.
i discovered that in a tournament… not fun!
Glad to hear the setting was turned off to reset them each ball. Hate that setting!
[quote=“chuckwurt, post:636, topic:2879, full:true”]
Since it affects so many games, I would think intentional but who knows. Could just be a bug in the base code that was in all those games. [/quote]
It’s not a bug, it’s intentionally coded that way.
Well, in STOCK code, anyway
This may be stretching the “semi-usefulness” of this topic, but by rapidly shooting 5 prison walkers (bash the head) on The Walking Dead (pro), you earn the “Killing Spree” animation, and ONE MILLION points.
The sopranos what?!
On newest code if you tilt at any rank before underboss, your rank resets to associate next ball.
Don’t tilt until you get underboss. Haha
Can you farm extra balls this way?