I keep making small adjustments to my Congo strategy, but I think it’s time to just figure it out once and for all.
In tournament mode, what is the sequence/rules for Mystery Awards? Gray awards? MAP awards? Diamond Hunt MB is the first Mystery Award, but only if you haven’t started regular MB yet). Are other awards also conditional?
Currently my ideal is:
- Collect first four diamonds from regular shots, collect Lock
- Collect first Mystery Award -> Diamond Hunt MB. Shooting 2 diamonds will be enough to have lock lit when DHMB ends. Collect lock.
- Spell GRAY. First award is 20 diamonds. Shoot lock to start MB.
- After MB, spell GRAY again. Second GRAY award is MB. MB starts.
I’m not quite sure what to do next. MAP has re-light diamonds in it (as the second award?). I’m embarrassed to ask: how else are the diamonds re-lit?
The next GRAY completion is 20 diamonds. AMY completion is also 15 diamonds. What is the mystery award sequence now? Is there a particular number of diamonds in the mine shaft, or is that random / dependent on if you’re hitting the “right” path?
So for next MB I’m guessing: Mystery to relight diamonds. Collect diamonds to light lock and then collect lock. Finish AMY for more diamonds and another lock. And…maybe the next mystery will be light lock?