I have a couple of questions on the upcoming changes to pingolf for IFPA endorsed events. We just wrapped up our last 2016 season and going into 2017, I’d like to make sure I understand how the changes will (or possibly won’t) affect how we run our league for next year.
Here’s a link to our latest scoresheet for reference. I’ve done some math for PGM in the Final Standings and Finals Brackets tabs.
First, if I understand correctly, to calculate the PGM, I must take only the results of the players that advance from the regular rounds to the finals. So in our case, we play three 9 hole rounds and the 8 lowest 18 hole scores (we drop the highest scoring round) make the cut. So I take those 8 players, average their scores from the 2 rounds (that we count) and then divide by 18 and then 3 for a PGM value. If I’m doing the math correctly, this works out to an average of over 3 strokes/hole, for the qualifiers, always grading out to 100% TGP.
Example… 8 players average 74.4 / 18 = 4.13 / 3 = 1.38 PGM so we collect 18 holes of TGP for our qualifying rounds.
As above, this is the same for finals rounds but I get a 2x multiplier for running 4 player groups. If we play 18 holes in the qualifying, then 2 rounds of 4 holes (8 total holes to win) in the finals, and I get at least 1 for PGM out of both rounds, then I get 16 TGP for finals and a total of 34 TGP? Can TGP even go over 25 for any tournament (4% per game x 25)?
Going forward into 5.3, are there any issues with dropping a “highest” scoring round? Doesn’t seem like there should be but want to make sure before we update any rules into next season.
We don’t do this in our league, but I didn’t see anything in the rules about combining objective based scoring and goal based scoring. If someone wanted to do a tournament with a mix of both, as long as the average score is above 3/hole then the event will get 100% for each game played?
Example… 4 holes are objectives, with a max score of 6, 5 holes are points based with a max score of 10. Over 9 holes, the average score for the players that advance to a playoff is 3.3 / 3 = 1.1 so 100% TGP for 9 games.