So I'm in Vegas

Everyone cool down. Now. The past is the past, we all know what happened. Put a lid on the anger and let’s look forward.



I’ll watch the language, sorry. But I won’t suddenly stop being angry that my friends were taken advantage of, lied to, and now a company is stepping up and putting the man who defrauded them back up on a pedestal, that’s not cool. And I’ll speak up about it the same way I speak up about anything else that violates decency in our community, be it sexism or whatever else.

I couldn’t care less what sekrit info someone has. My friends have not been refunded, and a new Jpop pin has been announced. That’s the facts. If they intend to make everyone whole then they should have done that first. Then maybe there’s a discussion to have.

Until then, the past is obviously not the past, it’s very much the raw present.


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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

I have closed this topic because the tone in here. We welcome spirited debates, but I think both of you should take a short break now.