I was playing in a comp at the weekend and came up against an odd situation on Jurassic Park Premium. My opponent started Raptor triball from the pit on the left and somehow also started T Rex multi ball either at the beginning or during Raptor. I’m not sure which one.started before the other.
I wasn’t aware that you could stack multiballs on JP, but this isn’t the main point of my post although it might be highly relevant.
However during the Raptor triball, he managed to get a ball trapped behind the pit barrier so was able to continue in multiball with only one ball in play with the other trapped. He said that this was a quirk if you manage somehow to get the two multiballs running together and was a genuine strategy to trap the ball there.
I’d not come across this before and was obviously a bit surprised and thought that the normal rule of.getting the trapped ball released should apply.
I also noticed that he.got a number of add a balls during the multi ball. I’m aware you can get one during a multi ball but I didn’t know how you could get multiple balls. This is of course, excluding ball saves on the out lanes.
So I wondered if anyone else had come across this and what the correct play should have been ie to have trapped up and released the trapped ball or able to continue in single ball, multi ball play?
If it is a genuine strategy and.quirk of the software, does anyone know how you actually get this set up?
I was watching the game but it wasn’t being streamed so I’m not sure if there’s a huge amount extra I can add.to what happened during the multiballs.
Based on an old post, I’d say that stacking the two multiballs is odd but not a malfunction:
During the stacked multiball I can understand why it would be possible to get multiple add a balls. Both T-Rex and Raptor allow you to add a ball at the solid blue Supply Drop target. With the two multiballs stacked maybe the first collect of a Supply Drop uses up the “one add a ball for T-Rex” and the next collect of a Supply Drop uses up the “one add a ball for Raptor”. But I haven’t tested this myself to see if it always gives up to two add a balls or to see if it lets you get more than two.
Also, if they make it to the third phase of Raptor multiball then they get all 6 balls added at once.
During normal (not stacked) Raptor multiball I’m pretty sure it will let you play on with one ball locked in the Raptor pit (representing a multiplier) and one ball actively in play.
Another possible perception of an add-a-ball could have come from after he started the rare stack, I believe it’s a stack of Raptor staked with Feed T-Rex which is not initially a multiball. So if he didn’t shoot the L ramp right away to finish Feed T-Rex and start T-Rex Multiball, then when he finally did shoot the L ramp, starting the additional multiball, the game would presumably and appropriately add a ball to the party at this point.
that rule needs to be simplified or just allow all dirty pool and ball locked like setups In multi ball.
just to keep it easy and have to it be easy for TO to make an ruling with out needing to know that game code deep.
The IFPA list of games has not been updated is some time and does not seem to cover things that are not per say dirty pools (locking balls in MB) as games with are not on list that where around at the same time.
not all games have virtual lock and on some it does not work as you think / does bad stuff to the game / buggy / etc.