Does Stance Matter?

This happens on my forehead a little bit. If it’s an intense game I have to adjust my glasses and dry off the bridge of my nose often where the pads on my glasses touch it. It’s also a nervous tick before I step up to a game or during breaks.

Here’s one from the pittsburgh pinball factory which can get a little warm

Nervous ticks deserve a thread of their own :slight_smile:

100% has happened to me, but I play Tuesday tournaments at a pizza place where they used to sell this cheese bread stick item.

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Had the same thing happening with my glasses. It was bad enough to the point that I would go to push up my glasses even if I didn’t have them on! I went to my eye doctor recently and told them this. They fitted me with new glasses that have rubberized stems (oakleys), that stay snug on my head no matter how much forehead and nose swear I get.

Anybody try croakies for their glasses? Thought about it, but I’m not good enough to survive any comparison to Mr. Shatz.

I can always tell what’s happening on the playfield by watching Robert’s stance…except for this one at PAPA 19 on IM. I have no idea what caused Robert to be so far from the game.


Maybe he’s stretching to reset and calm himself down?

Hehe that pic is so awesome! He’s obviously taking a break from his game, but it definitely would be hilarious if someone played like that.

EDIT: By the way, this confirms from my post in the other thread about what fingers people flip with, that Robert flips will all middle three.

There’s AC at the Iron Bull where we had a tournament and zine folding party! Should been there instead. :slight_smile:

Aah, I know! We were gonna go but we got stuck downtown after the game and couldn’t make it. I’m glad this city is slowly picking up on the miracles of air conditioning, haha.

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