Defeat Celebrations

I personally like and have adopted the “Not like this saying.”

I know one person I like playing with enjoys the “Thanks Darrin” at league that I may steal as well.

I’ve never rage titled, slid a game, hit the lockbar/glass, flipped a game off, or cursed once while playing pinball :innocent:

Seriously though, I’m with some of you and after doing those things above I reflect and feel like crap for acting like a little baby. Trying hard to remove those bad habits but when your a competitive person it’s so hard to just roll with the punches.


While I agree with everything you say, I look at “intense” players like this with a sort of backwards approval - I WANT passionate players in my tournaments, I want people to care as much about pinball as I do. Everyone reacts differently, but I’m never going to look poorly on someone for showing passion, unless it’s degenerating into machine abuse of course.

Don’t do this with your fist. My hand is mostly back to normal 2-3 years later…

Need some adamantium hands/wrists like Bangbackula

Fist is fine, it’s when you use the knuckles that you start having problems. I tell myself that the lockdown bars are made of metal for idiots like me who forget.


My problems started when I used my knuckles and lasted for 2-3 years. I told my Dr what I’d done and he did some tests. They all came back positive for me being an idiot…


Not pinball related, but funny nevertheless… Many years ago, while I was a student, I used to drive cabs in Brisbane. One day, I get a radio call to pick someone up at a private address. As I get there, I see a guy hopping down the path towards the car on one leg. Eventually, he makes it into the car and says “take me to the hospital emergency room.” I take off and ask “what happened to your foot?” He answered “I was cleaning up all the mess under the house, and there was a fg cardboard box in the way. I gave it a really good fg kick. But there was a f***g Besser block inside…”

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